Very rich and great time for this second edition of networking around the Hepatitis E virus that gathered French academic teams.

Many thanks to the organizers: Laurence Cocquerel, Nicole Pavio and the ANRS MIE

See you next year in Toulouse


Great time with Sophie Barbe (Toulouse Biotechnology Institute), Thomas Schiex (Mathèmatiques et Informatique Appliquées de Toulouse), and Juan Cortes (Laboratoire d’Analyse et d’Architecture des Systèmes) to launch this interdisciplinary program that aims to develop an unique computational framework for engineering nanobodies, and thus provide advanced solutions to address future viral outbreaks.

Allélé Boubou COULIBALY has brilliantly defended her PhD on the “Development and characterization of nanobodies against the Ebola virus glycoprotein”

In the presence of:

Dr Catherine SCHUSTER, INSERM and University of Strasbourg

Pr Patrice GOUET, CNRS and University Claude Bernard Lyon 1

Dr Marie-Christine VANEY, Institut Pasteur de Paris

Pr James STURGIS, CNRS and Aix Marseille University

Dr Alain ROUSSEL and Pr Isabelle IMBERT, as supervisors

Congratulations to you!

Link to the article

Isabelle Imbert received the insignia of Knight of the French Légion d’Honneur from Dr Pierre Petitbon, President of the Orne Society of Members of the Legion of Honour, accompanied by his counterpart for Marseille, Guy Dabadie. This award follows her long-time work on SARS-CoV.


Our collaborative paper “Combining DEVS and semantic technologies for modeling the SARS-CoV-2 replication machinery” has received the Best Paper Award of the Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference 2021.

We are pleased to welcome Marion and India, who joined the team as engineers to work on the Covid-19 project. Welcome girls !

La société des membres de la Légion d’Honneur de l’Orne soutient notre projet sur le COVID-19.
Un grand merci à eux !

If you want to learn more about Covid-19 and its genome, listen to Isabelle Imbert’s latest interview on the CNRS playlist #COVID19 La parole à la science (the word to science). (French interview)

You can listen to Isabelle Imbert’s new interview about the Covid-19 outbreak on the France Culture website (French interview).

You can listen (or listen again) Isabelle Imbert’s interview about the Cryo-EM structure of the Covid-19 spike protein (French interview).

You can go to read Isabelle’s latest interview in the “vrai ou fake” Franceinfo section : Is a bat bite in the laboratory the cause of the epidemic? (French interview)

Emeline Grellet join Isabelle’s group as a PhD student. Welcome Emeline !

Strikingly, SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV-infected patients are insensitive to ribavirin, a FDA-approved broad-spectrum antiviral drug. Here, we report an unprecedented RNA correction machinery that was developed by the SARS-CoV. We show that the viral 3’-5’ exonuclease is able to excise either a misincorporated ribonucleotide or ribavirin 5’-monophosphate and to resume RNA synthesis. This proofreading pathway has allowed coronavirus RNA genome size expansion (~ 32 kb in size). This work paves the way for the design of future antiviral strategies using nucleoside analogues.