Host-pathogen interactions
Understanding host-pathogen interactions is at the heart of the fight against pathogens involved in infectious diseases (viruses, bacteria).
Alain Roussel’s group
The studies we conduct focus on one hand on factors of pathogenicity of bacteria and on the other hand on means of response of host organisms. Our projects can be grouped in 2 disciplines which are immunology and microbiology.
Philippe Leone’s group
Our objective is to solve the structures of the isolated soluble domains of L and N proteins, and of the L-M and K-L-M-N membrane complexes of T9SS from two bacterial models, by X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM.
We are always looking for talented and motivated research trainees, Ph.D students or post-doctoral fellows so please feel free to contact us.
Cambillau C. and Goulet A. Journal of Virology 2023 Mar 14;e0179322
A truncated anti-CRISPR protein prevents spacer acquisition but not interference (2022)
Philippe C., Morency C., Plante PL., Zufferey E., Achigar R., Tremblay DM., Rousseau GM., Goulet A. and Moineau S. Nature Communications 2022 May 19;13(1):2802
Exploring the structural diversity of adhesion devices encoded by lactococcal P335 phages with AlphaFold2 (2022)
goulet A., Mahony J., Cambillau C. and van Sinderen D. Microorganisms 2022 Nov 16;10(11):2278
Goulet A., Joos R., Lavelle K., van Sinderen D., Mahony J., and Cambillau C. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 2022 Aug 19;9:960325
Present impact of AlphaFold2 revolution on structural biology, and an illustration with the structure prediction of the bacteriophage J-1 host adhesion device (2022)
Goulet A. and Cambillau C. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 2022 May 9;9:907452.
Structure Prediction and Analysis of Hepatitis E Virus Non-Structural Proteins from the Replication and Transcription Machinery by AlphaFold2 (2022)
Goulet A, Cambillau C, Roussel A, Imbert I. Viruses Jul 14; 14(7):1537