Great time with Sophie Barbe (Toulouse Biotechnology Institute), Thomas Schiex (Mathèmatiques et Informatique Appliquées de Toulouse), and Juan Cortes (Laboratoire d’Analyse et d’Architecture des Systèmes) to launch this interdisciplinary program that aims to develop an unique computational framework for engineering nanobodies, and thus provide advanced solutions to address future viral outbreaks.

Allélé Boubou COULIBALY has brilliantly defended her PhD on the “Development and characterization of nanobodies against the Ebola virus glycoprotein”

In the presence of:

Dr Catherine SCHUSTER, INSERM and University of Strasbourg

Pr Patrice GOUET, CNRS and University Claude Bernard Lyon 1

Dr Marie-Christine VANEY, Institut Pasteur de Paris

Pr James STURGIS, CNRS and Aix Marseille University

Dr Alain ROUSSEL and Pr Isabelle IMBERT, as supervisors

Congratulations to you!

Can the use of extracellular vesicles and anti-CD38 nanobodies help in the fight against multiple myeloma? This is the question Alain Roussel’s team and its collaborators are trying to answer.

Listen to the interview of Alain Roussel to understand everything about the new smartphone diagnostic technology developed by our team and the IEMN laboratory of Lille. (French interview)

Vincent Delauzun’s thesis defence, Extracellular vesicles: an ideal tool for the study of membrane proteins, will be broadcast on the zoom platform.
ID de réunion : 942 7107 8490
Code secret : 1234

You want an appointment to talk about your project ? Go to the event’s website.

Alain Roussel, Béatrice Amigues, Anaïs Gaubert and Lycia Die Morini were in CNRS Campus of Gif-sur-Yvette to take part in the 5th Frisbi User Meeting.

We are very happy to welcome Lycia Die Morini in the team. She will be in charge of communication, client consulting, website management and will work as an engineer on the nanobody platform. Welcome Lycia !

Our manuscript entitled “Multifunctional Natural Killer Cell Engagers Targeting NKp46 Trigger Protective Tumor Immunity ” is now online and can be accessed via the Cell website.

Allélé Boubou Coulibaly join us as a PhD student. Welcome Allélé !